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Climate Change Initiatives

Status of Climate Change Initiatives

Beginning with its joining of CDP in March 2007, Shinhan Financial Group has been active in joining climate change initiatives, such as PCAF, SBTi, TCFD, and Equator Principles, to better respond to climate change management, public disclosure, target setting, and emissions measurement.

Status of Climate Change Initiatives
Methodology Measurement of carbon emissions of asset portfolio Target setting Public disclosure Risk management Evaluation of activities in response to climate change

Partnership for Carbon
Accounting Financials (PCAF)

Science Based
Targets initiative (SBTi)

Task Force on Climate-related
Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

Taskforce on Nature-related
Financial Disclosures (TNFD)

Equator Principles

Carbon Disclosure Project

Outline Methodology for measuring
carbon emissions of financial
assets developed by PCAF
Methodology on setting
a reduction goal based on
the 2℃ scenario for financial assets
Methodology on public
disclosures on corporate impact in relation to climate change [TNFD]
Methodology on public
disclosures on corporate impact in relation to nature
and biodiversity
Framework for
identifying environment/
society-related risks Set minimum obligation standard for due diligence
Evaluate corporate activities
in environment-related actions, including climate change
Status Joined November 2020 Measure carbon emissions of
financial assets of the Group and the Group subsidiaries
Joined November 2020 Set the reduction targets of
financial assets carbon emissions
Announced the support for
the recommendations of TCFD
in 2018, and disclosed information
in the ESG Report in 2019 [TNFD]
Joined the TNFD Forum in 2022
Established the process in 2019 Joined in 2020 and applied
the Principles to the projects
subject to screening
Evaluated since 2010 Became the first Korean financial institution to earn Leadership A
for 7 consecutive years